5v5 Format highlights
Standard field dimensions are 100 feet long by 50 feet wide
Match structure
Team Size
Each team can have up to 10 players on their roster.
Games will be 5v5
General Match
5 rounds, back to back
Time limit per Game = 3 Min
Time between games = 60 Sec
Teams will have 3 minutes to grab the flag from the center of the field and “hang” on the opposing teams starting gate. Players must do this without being hit by the opposing team. Listed below is how teams will earn points in games:
First Flag Capture - 1 pts
Flag Capture in 12 seconds - 2 pts
“Hanging” flag - 2 pts
Total points = 5
Penalties (count against entire team)
no hit calls
Player Pulled from game, 5 points, Loss of Round
Player Pulled from game, -5 points, Loss of Round. Team plays with 4 members for following round
Player Pulled from game, -5 points, Loss of Round. Team plays with 4 members for remainder of event.
Team is Disqualified from the event. No points earned for event
FPS - 350fps w/ .25g bb’s
All guns must be chrono'd before match
AEG/HPA Rifles - Mid Cap. Magazines ONLY
Pistols - Standard/Extended Magazines or M4 Adapter
Drum Magazines and other DIY Magazines will not be allowed for any platform
Chin straps are mandatory
Key Notes
Each game will start with a countdown from 10 to 5 followed by a whistle/horn. Games will then conclude at the sound of a second whistle/horn. Example game sounds below.
SEMI AUTO ONLY - One Trigger pull, One shot
Feathering will be allowed
No Bang Bang
No Surrender
3v3 format highlights
Standard field dimensions are 80 feet long by 40 feet wide
Match structure
Each team can have 3 starters and 2 subs per event.
Must have 1 pistol player on the field
General Match
3 Rounds
Winner based on points
Time limit per Game = 2 Min
Time between games = 60 Sec
Final Match
5 Rounds
Time limit per game = 2 Min
*All rules and regulations are subject to change without notice or due to field requirements*
There will be 7 lights placed on the field for teams to capture. 3 on each teams side and 1 located in the center of the field. Teams will need to capture and hold on to as many of these lights to earn points. Once all the lights have been captured or all the players on 1 team have been eliminated, the round will end. Listed below is the point value for each objective:
Player Elimination - 0 pts
Base Objective - 1 pts
Center Objective - 3 pts
Total points = 10 pts
After 3 rounds the team with the most cumulative points wins.
Penalties (count against entire team)
no hit calls
Player Pulled from game, -5 points, Loss of Round
Player Pulled from game, -5 points, Loss of Round. Team plays down 1 member for following game.
Player Pulled from game, -5 points, Loss of Round. Team plays down 1 member for remainder of event.
Team is Disqualified from the event. All points earned from event will be forfeited.
Targeting an objective, -2pts
FPS - 350fps w/ .25g bb’s
All guns must be chrono'd before match
AEG/HPA Rifles - Mid Cap. Magazines ONLY
Pistols - Mag adapters allowed (1 mag cap), Gas mags unlimited
Drum Magazines and other DIY Magazines will not be allowed for any platform
Chin straps are mandatory
Key Notes
Each game will start with a countdown from 10-5 followed by a whistle/horn. Games will then conclude at the sound of a second whistle/horn
SEMI AUTO ONLY - One Trigger pull, One shot
Feathering will be allowed
No Bang Bang
No Surrender